Complete program for turn-key delivery of production lines for the composites industry


Specs10 is made for the JEC 2015 shows. In this number we focus on the complete program of Van Wees for the composites industry and the importance of automation.

We offer creels, impregnation-, Crossply- and Multi-axial UD Crossply machines and lamination lines.

Although our last year’s focus has been on thermoplastic resin based machines, the thermoset resin based products can also be automated with our Crossply machines.

Van Wees manufactures and delivers turnkey production lines to the textile and composite industry. With many years of experience in the field of UD-, Crossply- and textile lamination technologies, van Wees is your partner for engineering, manufacturing, commissioning and service of complete production lines. The philosophy of Van Wees is to look in the market whether machines or equipment are available with the correct specification and if that is not the case, Van Wees develops new solutions for inclusion in the machines or production lines. Due to the available expertise of these processes, van Wees offers consultancy to the industry and provides solutions to specific problems or new developments.